ICRU held its annual meeting 9-14 May 2015 at Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels, Belgium.
The meeting was hosted by Commission Member, Vincent Grégoire. The Commission would also like to thank Myriam Goosse.
Hans Menzel, Chairman of ICRU, opened the meeting with a welcome to all in in attendance and an acknowledgement of the fine arrangements for the meeting.
Commission Members in Attendance
Hans Menzel, Chairman, Switzerland
Paul DeLuca, Vice Chairman, USA
Søren Bentzen, Executive Director, USA
John Boone, USA
María-Ester Brandan, Mexico
Peter Dawson, United Kingdom
Elena Fantuzzi, Italy
Vincent Grégoire, Belgium
Roger Howell, USA
Theodore Mackie, Secretary/Treasurer, USA
Brian O’Sullivan, Canada
Herwig Paretzke, Germany
Hideo Tatsuzaki, Japan
ICRU Staff in Attendance
David Schauer, Executive Secretary
Laura Atwell Assistant Executive Secretary
Guests in Attendance
David Bartlett, Assistant Scientific Editor, Co-Chairman Report Committee 26 on Operational Dose Quantities for External Radiation Exposure
Jan Seuntjens, Co-Chairman Report Committee 23 on Prescribing, Recording, and Reporting Sterotactic Treatments with Small Photo Beams
Review of Draft Reports and Seminars
Two draft reports were reviewed for approval before publication. Prior to the review of the drafts seminars were given to summarize the work of the report committee:
Key Data for Measurement Standards for the Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation, given by Paul DeLuca, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Prescribing, Recording, and Reporting of Stereotactic Treatments with Small Photon Beams, given by Jan Seuntjens, McGill University, Canada
David Bartlett also gave a seminar updating the progress of the draft report on Operational Dose Quantities for External Radiation Exposure.
Observer Seminars
ISO/TC12 and ISO/TC85/SC 2 given by David Bartlett, ISO Liaison
AAPM Activities given by John Boone, President AAPM
ICRP Activities given by Hans Menzel, Member ICRP Main Commission
Hideo Tatsuzaki resigned from the Commission effective 14 May 2015. He explained that his additional duties at National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan precluded him from continuing to serve as a Commissioner. All other members were re-elected. Dan Jones resigned from the Commission in July 2014 vacating the Secretary/Treasurer position. Officers elected were: Hans Menzel, Chairman; Paul DeLuca, Vice Chairman; Søren Bentzen, Executive Director, Theodore Mackie, Secretary/Treasurer.
Other Business
Other business included discussions of ICRU finances, obligations of sponsors, report committee status, publication policies and schedules, new initiatives, future operation of ICRU, Gray Medal award for 2017, and plans for the 2016 annual meeting.
ICRU Committees
The following committees are actively working on draft reports:
Measurement and Reporting of Radon Exposures (at Oxford University Press; to be published as ICRU Report 88)
Prescribing, Recording, and Reporting Brachytherapy for Cancer of the Cervix (approved for publication)
Key Data for Measurement Standards for Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation (Steve Seltzer. Scientific Editor will handle final edits)
Prescribing, Recording, and Reporting Sterotactic Treatments with Small Photo Beams (David Bartlett, Assistant Scientific Editor will handle final edits)
Prescribing, Recording, and Reporting Ion-Beam Therapy
Bioeffect Modelling and Equieffective Dose Concepts in Radiation Therapy
Operational Dose Quantities for External Radiation Exposure
Monitoring and Assessment of Radiation Releases to the Environment
New Work Approved by the Commission
Dose Painting in Radiotherapy
Particle Therapy Glossary
Positron Emission Tomography Quantification
Retrospective Assessment of Individual Doses in Cases of Acute Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
Quantitative Image Assessment
Discussion on Potential Work for the Future
Cross Section and Stopping Powers for Electron Energies E<1 keV
Dosimetry of Internal Emitters in Radiotherapy
A New Patient Dose Metric for CT: A Proposition in Support of Regional Dose
Gray Medal
The 2015 Gray Medal was presented to Fiona Stewart at the ICRR meeting in Kyoto, Japan. The next Gray Medal will be awarded in 2017. A call for nominations will take place in 2016.
Next Meeting of the Commission
The next meeting of the Commission will be held in mid-April 2016 in Frascati, Italy. Meeting arrangements will be handled by Elena Fantuzzi.